pasta but it has a lot of cheese

also known as: very unhealthy cheesy pasta

usually i make this with ziti because i have a Problem with the amount of ziti i consume
but it works with any type of pasta (or at least it should). also as evident in the name i have
chosen for this recipe this is probably extremely unhealthy. welp.


ziti pasta (or any other type, i usually put about half the size of the pan in but i don't
have the measurement for that so eyeball it to the best of your ability. sORRY)
ricotta cheese (there isn't anything to eyeball here it's just a few spoonfuls of it)
parmesan cheese (optional) (it adds more flavor so i dump a crack load in but it's optional if u don't like it)
water ( boil. yeah same thing with the pasta, but i put a little more than half of the size of the pot in)
a pot (i usually use a saucepan, what i say is based on that so be careful if you're using a bigger pan)


1) fill the pot with water, turn on stove and wait till it boils

2) once it's boiling pour in the pasta, let it cook and keep checking in to stir

3) drain the water once it's done (either with a strainer or a lazy method, usually i just cover the pot with the lid but
leave a small opening and tip it over the sink to let the water drain out. yeah i usually don't want to wash the strainer so
this is a common occurance)

4) put pot back on stove (and pasta back in pot duh), then scoop in 1-3 spoonfuls (or a fork/knife-ful, they work too) of ricotta cheese in

5) stir fast, make sure the cheese melts and covers all of the pasta

6) alright you're pretty much done here, most of the time when i have it i'll dump an ass load of parmesan in

7) eNJOY


i don't have measurements for this recipe because i've...never really measured for it before? idk, my mom
just kinda showed me how much pasta/water/etc to put in when making pasta so i never learned. if you really do
need measurements, this is pretty much applicable to any average pasta recipe, just change all the other ingredients besides
the pasta and water to the ricotta/parmesan/etc yeah

the reason why i call this unhealthy is because.. well i don't know, isn't the amount of ricotta put in this bad? whatever, any other
name or title would be boring so this is staying